Warme mensgerichte steden en samenlevingen hebben warme creatieve ambtenaren nodig! Dit jaar brengt het Creative Bureaucracy Festival de innovatoren van de publieke sector voor de…
This paper was written in preparation of the EURICUR (European Institute for Comparative Urban Research) kick-off seminar in Ghent, June 27 2016. I wrote this…
This is a translation into English of an article the I wrote in Dutch a while back. It was originally written for Impuls, the journal…
For some reason I am being presented at a lot of conferences as a ‘smart cities expert’. True, I know one or two things about…
Last week I had the honour of being invited to speak at a conference in the European Parliament in Brussels with the title: “Saving the…
Enkele maanden geleden schreef ik onderstaand artikel voor het tijdschrift Viewz (https://www.connect-to-viewz.be/tijdschrift) over het proeftraject dat ik opzette in Gent samen met imec, Stad Gent,…