Warme mensgerichte steden en samenlevingen hebben warme creatieve ambtenaren nodig! Dit jaar brengt het Creative Bureaucracy Festival de innovatoren van de publieke sector voor de…
I ended the last blog by announcing I would address the most fundamental issue in cities: Governance. On the 27th of February a first workshop…
I have as long as I can remember questioned things from why certain rules are in place (like all children start off doing) but also…
Are we really experiencing a democratic crisis or a crisis of democracy? What is wrong with our system? Trust in the system, in governments and…
One of the lessons that I have learned during my period in public service is that only few people have the natural ability to develop,…
This paper was written in preparation of the EURICUR (European Institute for Comparative Urban Research) kick-off seminar in Ghent, June 27 2016. I wrote this…
This is a translation into English of an article the I wrote in Dutch a while back. It was originally written for Impuls, the journal…
The New Year starts with little traditions. During receptions we wish people well, sometimes even specifying in which fields. Others will formulate new years intentions,…
Tijdens de veertien jaar dat ik strategisch coördinator voor de Stad Gent was, heb ik ook de eer en het genoegen gehad om verantwoordelijk te…
citiesofpeople vertrekt vanuit de visie dat onze maatschappij nood heeft aan een toekomstbeeld dat gemaakt wordt door en vertrekt vanuit de mens. Lokale gemeenschappen vormen…